Hintnal provides an opportunity for people to discuss content that we publish through comments. Following are some commenting guidelines which we expect our commenters to abide by while commenting. Our aim is to ensure our website is inclusive and helpful and the discussions are constructive and polite.

1. We welcome debate and dissent, but we do not allow personal attacks on other people based on their:

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8. People who repeatedly engage in disrespectful behavior as well as those who post excessively withi a short space of time, risk having their content deleted

9. Be reasonable & civil.

10. Have a point. Don’t ramble.

11. We will not publish comments which:

● Are completely anonymous, or are seen to impersonate someone else

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● Are written in anything other than English

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We reserve the right to remove a comment based on any of the above criteria. Commenters who seriously, persistently or willfully ignore the commenting guidelines or our terms and conditions will have their commenting privileges withdrawn.

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