According to the Vivo S16’s Geekbench listing, it will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 SoC with a maximum clock speed of 3.19GHz. It has an Adreno 650 GPU for graphical needs. Finally, the Vivo S16 variant spotted on Geekbench has 12GB of RAM.
With the aforementioned arsenal at its disposal, the smartphone scored 1,016 points in the single-core test and 3,138 points in the multi-core test. Aside from that, no additional information about the Vivo S16 is available. We can, however, anticipate a high refresh rate Full-HD+ display, a large battery that will most likely support fast charging, and at least a dual rear camera setup.
According to rumors, the Vivo S16 series will launch in China this month and may expand to other markets early next year. Unfortunately, the vanilla Vivo S16’s price, design, and other details are still unknown. However, we anticipate learning more about it in the coming days through leaks leading up to the official launch event.
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