Do you prefer the most “libre” version of Linux? If so, you’ll be happy to learn that a new edition of Trisquel, which has the support of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), is ready for download.
Trisquel 11 “Aramo” is built on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and, critically, removes any hardware, drivers, or applications that are not entirely free, open-source, or FSF-approved. Because it is a long-term maintenance version, updates and security fixes are provided for two years.
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Fact: How amazing is it that Trisquel 11 was distributed live on stage during a talk at the LibrePlanet 2023 conference?

Trisquel is run on the Linux libre kernel 5.15, and its default desktop environment is MATE 1.26. Other desktop environments, including the adorably titled Triskel (I’ll let you decide which DE it uses), are also available.
Although Firefox doesn’t quite make the cut, Trisquel developers chose to use a debranded (but thankfully Deb-based) Abrowser (after all, having a browser is better than having none, right?). You won’t find Ubuntu’s controversial Snap technology anywhere. Sorry, bad prank.

The GIMP for graphics processing, LibreOffice, the Icedove email software (a fork of Thunderbird), and Viewnior, a picture browser, are also included.For audio requirements, Rhythmbox, VLC, and Brasero are available.Transmission, Liferea, and Pidgin round out the list of available programs.
Trisquel 11 introduces support for 64-bit ARM and PowerPC computers, which is noteworthy. A software upgrade with a more recent Linux free kernel built on Linux 5.19 will be released.
From the official Trisquel website, you can obtain Trisquel 11.0 LTS. Trisquel 10 users can switch to Trisquel 11 by first downloading all pending updates, followed by a command-line sudo do-release-upgrade.
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Good write-up. I definitely appreciate this website. Continue the good work!