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How to Get the Latest GNOME Shell 45.2 Update on Ubuntu 23.10

Learn how to upgrade your Ubuntu 23.10 system to the latest GNOME Shell 45.2 update, which brings bug fixes and performance improvements.

Cinnamon 6.0: A Modern Desktop with a Traditional Layout and Wayland Support

Cinnamon 6.0 is the latest version of the popular Linux desktop environment that offers a familiar and comfortable user experience. Learn about its new features

Voyager 23.10: A Stunning and Smooth GNOME Experience

Voyager 23.10 is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that offers a polished and elegant GNOME desktop with many unique features and customizations.

What’s New in GNOME 46: The Next-Gen Linux Desktop

GNOME 46 is the upcoming major release of the popular Linux desktop environment, scheduled for March 2024. Here are some of the exciting features and improvements you can expect from it.