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WhatsApp to Stop Working on These Android Smartphones in 2024: Find Out If Yours Is Affected

Discover the list of Android smartphones that will lose WhatsApp support starting January 1, 2024. Learn why WhatsApp is ending support for older devices and how to check if your phone is on the list.

You Can Finally Use WhatsApp for 4 Different Devices

Learn how to use WhatsApp on 4 different devices simultaneously, even when your phone is offline. Find out the benefits and steps of using WhatsApp’s multi

Leveling up Whatsapp: Two New Features to Improve Group Chats and Privacy

According to reports, a new feature called “approve new participants” in group settings is being rolled out to some beta evaluators on Android and iOS by Meta

A Leak of 500 million WhatsApp Phone Numbers

There may have been a significant data leak that affected WhatsApp. According to a recent study,