Firefox for Android will now have Mozilla’s potent Total Cookie Protection function.
The Total Cookie Protection function of Mozilla’s PC browser will soon be available on Android. By preventing one website from monitoring your behavior across multiple websites, the function offers protection against cross-site tracking. How then does this operate? For each page, Mozilla actually generates a distinct instance in which to keep cookies. It stops a website from monitoring you across the internet by separating the cookie.
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For instance, if you provided a website with particular information, that website will no longer be able to access that cookie data. The good news is that, as long as you sign into your Mozilla account on each device, this security can be synchronized across all of your devices.
The business is also making it simpler to disguise your email address using Firefox Relay on its desktop browser in addition to the new function on Android. When registering for a website, users can hide their actual email address using Firefox Relay. Although it was an extension and therefore reasonably simple to use, the company is now making things even simpler by enabling users to access Relay simply by clicking on the contact form section.

You are, for the most part, receiving excellent security at no expense to you. But over the past year, Mozilla has also introduced a sizable number of tools, offering users new ways to combat dangers on the internet. Additionally, it now has some features that can aid in improved internet navigation, such as ClearURL and ReadAloud, two brand-new tools that were only recently added to Firefox for Android.
Users can easily share neat and secure looking website names by removing additional undesirable affiliate codes from URLs using ClearURL. The ReadAloud service offered by the business is an effective tool that enables users to hear material rather than peruse it. Naturally, these are only a few of the improvements, but overall, Mozilla did a fantastic job making its desktop and mobile browsers feature-rich.
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